
Postcardy 2.0 is a newer version of my Postcardy.com website and postcardy.blogspot.com blog, but it is an adjunct, not a replacement for them. It is a combination of the features that I originally planned for my website and blog.  Postcardy.com was planned to have short articles about various topics in my postcard collection, while my blog was planned to focus on individual postcards. Both ended up straying from their original purposes.

The posts on Postcardy 2.0 will include posts about individual postcards (the Spotlights category), brief posts about multiple cards on a specific topic (the Brief Post category),  more comprehensive articles (the Featured category),  and postcard galleries (the Gallery category).

The main reason I am starting Postcardy 2.0 is that I can no longer use my old Dreamweaver software that I used to build and maintain Postcardy.com.  I was hoping to find something to replace Dreamweaver, but I couldn’t find anything suitable and easy to use. Instead of redesigning Postcardy.com, I am adding this WordPress site and linking it to Postcardy.com. Postcardy.com will remain “as is” for as long as is practical. A page with links to my other postcard sites can be found in the top menu bar, “More Postcardy Sites.”

About the header image on this page: I made this digital collage by scanning some of the postcards in my postcard collection. I was planning to use it as a header on my main page, but I didn’t like the way it clashed with and distracted from the image in my post.

8 Responses to About

  1. Judy A Kellar Fox says:

    Hello, I’d like permission to use your digital image of the “Daylight” train (digital image, “507—Southern Pacific ‘Daylight’ Coast Line,” POSTCARDY: The Postcard Explorer, 29 August 2014 (http://postcardy.blogspot.com/2014/08/southern-pacific-daylight-coast-line.html : accessed 31 December 2017)). I’ll use it to illustrate a blog post next week about my mom’s trip on the “Daylight” in 1943 (https://37months.blogspot.com/). OK? Thanks.
    Judy Kellar Fox


  2. Judy A Kellar Fox says:

    My mistake: it’s the other “Daylight” postcard that I wish to use next week: “608—The ‘Daylight,’ Los Angeles to San Francisco, along the California Coast.”


    • postcardy says:

      You may use it on your blog. Your blog looks interesting. My father had the same name as yours and was in the Army about the same time, but my parents never had journals or saved letters..


      • Judy A Kellar Fox says:

        Thanks so much for your prompt and positive response! Dad and Mom saved everything, which is sometimes a curse and sometimes a blessing. 😉


  3. Drew Garza says:

    Hello, I’d like permission to use your digital postcard image on a food menu for a local restaurant in Madison, Wisconsin. We are using it to highlight the seasonal menu change and will be in use for 2-3 months then retired.

    The image is linked here: https://postcardy2.wordpress.com/2017/11/18/cranberry-harvesting/

    and is captioned:
    ‘Frosty September nights and Indian Summer days color the cranberry to a rich, ruby red and the cranberry harvest is on, scooping from the low-lying vines in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Washington, and Oregon. Circa 1950s.’

    Thank you!


  4. postcardy says:

    Most of these images are old enough so that they are not covered by copyright. You should be aware that some might be copyrighted. These are all postcards that I own & scanned for my website.


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